Week 1: Video game design
Dates: June 22nd-26th/ Instructor: Corinne Takara
Campers will make playful computer controllers and computer interactive toys made of cardboard, fabric, pipe cleaners, modeling clay and an assortment of conductive materials. The working prototypes they will create and iterate upon will hook up to a computer via a MakeyMakey device to become game controllers or musical instruments. Campers will explore combining materials and simple circuitry in a game controller design challenge and will learn to create games using the block programming tool, Scratch. The games and toys they design will be showcased at the end of the week.
Week Schedule
Day 1:
Day 1:
- Musical MakeyMakey Super Hero Badges
- Introduction to Scratch
- What makes a good video game? What makes a bad video game?
- (camp day photos) (additional photos)
- Rock, Paper, Scissors/ exercise in adding variables
- Scratch Maze Design
- (camp day photos) (additional photos)
- Game Controllers for Public Spaces ( a journey in Design Thinking, Experience Mapping and Tinkering)
- (camp day photos) (additional photos)
- Collaborative Video Game Design
- Refinement of Collaborative Games and Creation of Game Controllers for these games
- Guest Speaker Tenaya Hurst
- Camp Showcase