Week 6: Design Your World
July 30 - August 3
Instructor: Corinne Takara
Campers will create models of architectural spaces, functional objects and invent new design solutions for living spaces. They will go through the design thinking process as they construct cardboard models of their dream bedrooms and embed circuitry into their structures. Campers will use Tinkercad (a 3D rendering tool) as well as traditional prototyping materials and circuitry in their design explorations. The projects will engage campers in calculating ratios and proportions to develop scale models.
Monday (July 30th)
9:00am Housekeeping and intros
9:10am Ice Breaker activity: Window onto your planet
~ Looking through a window, what does one see in your world?
~ Will you depict an exterior or interior space?
~ Cut shapes and tape on cardstock that will be behind your window frame.
10:00 am BREAK
10:15 am Activity/Lesson: Sharing back
~ What is your dream world view? Is it of an interior or exterior space?
~ What was the hardest thing about this activity?
~ What was the most fun?
~ What surprised you?
10:30am Activity/Lesson: Brainstorming on your dream bedroom.
~ Think about your user, you. Write and sketch thoughts.
~ Begin to draw floor plan on scale grid.
12:00pm LUNCH
12:45pm TINKER TIME Intro to Tinker Journal
Activity option of Tinkercad
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Tuesday (July 31st)
9:00am Warm Up: Sharing out ideas for dream rooms & putting floor plan on gridded board
~ Campers will spend a few minutes sharing ideas for their dream rooms.
~ They then will complete their floor plans and translate it from grid paper to large sheet of cardboard.
~ Campers begin to build up the walls. (Review of mat knife skills.)
10:15am BREAK
10:30 am Activity/Lesson: Continue on room design: wall construction and windows
12:00pm LUNCH
Activity option of doing a spinning top with a pager motor.
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Wednesday (August 1st)
9:00 am Activity/Lesson: Lights, fans and spinning doors
~ Ways to embed circuitry into the walls and floors of your dream bedroom.
~ Campers draw circuit paths in journal and start to map circuit paths on large models.
10:15 am BREAK
10:30 am Activity/Lesson: Guest speaker Jason Su and public space design exercise
11:30am Continue on room design
12:00pm LUNCH
Option to explore Tinkercad to create something for your room
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Thursday (August 2nd)
9:00am Warm Up: Mars Log Journal:
~ Students create a log journal for what they imagine doing on Mars.
~ They create one day’s entry from morning to night.
9:30am Activity/Lesson: Mars Habitat Collaborative Project:
~ How might you imagine a habitat for Mars?
~ How might you design a space for eating, sleeping, playing, or growing food?
~ Explore the criteria and constraints and build a model of a design solution that connects to your neighbor’s habitat.
10:15am BREAK
10:30am Activity/Lesson: Continue on Mars Habitats
11:30am Activity/Lesson: Share back Mars Habitats
What emotional and physical needs does your design address?
12:00pm LUNCH
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Friday (August 3rd)
9:00am Warm Up: Sharing back progress on dream rooms
9:30am Activity/Lesson: Complete designs of habitats and dream rooms
10:15am BREAK
10:30am Activity/Lesson: Sharing back: What was the biggest challenge? What was the most fun?
11:00 am Guest Speaker: TBD
12:00pm LUNCH
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
Weekly Camper Survey
2:45pm Clean Up and Prep for Showcase
3:30pm Student Showcase
4:30pm Camper Pick Up
July 30 - August 3
Instructor: Corinne Takara
Campers will create models of architectural spaces, functional objects and invent new design solutions for living spaces. They will go through the design thinking process as they construct cardboard models of their dream bedrooms and embed circuitry into their structures. Campers will use Tinkercad (a 3D rendering tool) as well as traditional prototyping materials and circuitry in their design explorations. The projects will engage campers in calculating ratios and proportions to develop scale models.
Monday (July 30th)
9:00am Housekeeping and intros
9:10am Ice Breaker activity: Window onto your planet
~ Looking through a window, what does one see in your world?
~ Will you depict an exterior or interior space?
~ Cut shapes and tape on cardstock that will be behind your window frame.
10:00 am BREAK
10:15 am Activity/Lesson: Sharing back
~ What is your dream world view? Is it of an interior or exterior space?
~ What was the hardest thing about this activity?
~ What was the most fun?
~ What surprised you?
10:30am Activity/Lesson: Brainstorming on your dream bedroom.
~ Think about your user, you. Write and sketch thoughts.
~ Begin to draw floor plan on scale grid.
12:00pm LUNCH
12:45pm TINKER TIME Intro to Tinker Journal
Activity option of Tinkercad
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Tuesday (July 31st)
9:00am Warm Up: Sharing out ideas for dream rooms & putting floor plan on gridded board
~ Campers will spend a few minutes sharing ideas for their dream rooms.
~ They then will complete their floor plans and translate it from grid paper to large sheet of cardboard.
~ Campers begin to build up the walls. (Review of mat knife skills.)
10:15am BREAK
10:30 am Activity/Lesson: Continue on room design: wall construction and windows
12:00pm LUNCH
Activity option of doing a spinning top with a pager motor.
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Wednesday (August 1st)
9:00 am Activity/Lesson: Lights, fans and spinning doors
~ Ways to embed circuitry into the walls and floors of your dream bedroom.
~ Campers draw circuit paths in journal and start to map circuit paths on large models.
10:15 am BREAK
10:30 am Activity/Lesson: Guest speaker Jason Su and public space design exercise
11:30am Continue on room design
12:00pm LUNCH
Option to explore Tinkercad to create something for your room
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Thursday (August 2nd)
9:00am Warm Up: Mars Log Journal:
~ Students create a log journal for what they imagine doing on Mars.
~ They create one day’s entry from morning to night.
9:30am Activity/Lesson: Mars Habitat Collaborative Project:
~ How might you imagine a habitat for Mars?
~ How might you design a space for eating, sleeping, playing, or growing food?
~ Explore the criteria and constraints and build a model of a design solution that connects to your neighbor’s habitat.
10:15am BREAK
10:30am Activity/Lesson: Continue on Mars Habitats
11:30am Activity/Lesson: Share back Mars Habitats
What emotional and physical needs does your design address?
12:00pm LUNCH
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
2:45pm Clean Up
3:00pm Camper Pick Up
Friday (August 3rd)
9:00am Warm Up: Sharing back progress on dream rooms
9:30am Activity/Lesson: Complete designs of habitats and dream rooms
10:15am BREAK
10:30am Activity/Lesson: Sharing back: What was the biggest challenge? What was the most fun?
11:00 am Guest Speaker: TBD
12:00pm LUNCH
2:30pm Daily Camper Assessment
Weekly Camper Survey
2:45pm Clean Up and Prep for Showcase
3:30pm Student Showcase
4:30pm Camper Pick Up